Sunday, 25 October 2020

"Grandma Duties" in Paradise

Hi, if you are reading i just wanted to share that my 大姨 was called home to God on 13/10 night. My family was attending to her funeral matters and her body was cremated on 17/10. 

My 大姨 was suffering a lot physically but managed to hold on by God's grace to see her son who returned from overseas and all her grandchildren who visited that night. I thankful that God sustained her. 😬

During the wake, my extended family worked hard to let everyone who had shared a part my 大姨's life/ came for the funeral to remember her and give thanks for the life she lived.

We also managed to put together a video in remembrance of her. If you have some time and like to, you can click on the link to watch the video.

May I ask that you keep my family in prayer please? A lot of our lives were planned around caring and being with my 大姨。Now that she is no longer physically present with us, I think there is a void that is very significant especially to my aunt, my mum and my 大姨's immediate family. Thank you for keeping us in prayer. 

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

For the first time

For the first time I thought about getting someone to pose as my other half so that I can let a 长辈安心。

For the first time I feel I'm gonna just 豁出去 and don't care about my 面子. Had the the idea to just 公开寻找 whoever can help me with the above because I am pretty sure I have friends who won't mind helping me for the cause.

Crazy isn't it.

My thoughts have been wild because things have been so hard to bear.

For the first time I had someone broke down so badly in front of me. 

For the first time I had to hear such heartbreaking news in a family conference. 

For the first time I talked to a doctor from the palliative care department.

For a first time I found it so hard to reply the message: hope she recovers soon.

God, I know You are gracious and merciful.
Help us please...