Sunday 11 March 2018

my last as projectionist (some thoughts)

so, today marks the last time i am formally serving as projectionist in service!
after more than a decade.
what a privilege to serve in this role for so long!

i always think a lot in this service role.

so many times,
SO many times
have i thought about writing an "open letter to the worship leader"
and also to pen down my thoughts & thanksgivings as projectionist.

for now... (as i procrastinate on my work)
let me present the definition of...


1. a person who is in charge of the projection of predominantly PowerPoint slides and other media, mainly on Sunday services but sometimes on other occasions.
"Would anyone like to rise up to serve in the role of the projectionist for Youth Sunday? Honestly, it is not a simple role as perceived, but you surely have a lovely team of fellow projectionists to back you up."

2. a person who is not necessarily professionally trained but serves God in his or her capacity; sometimes assumed to be technology savvy.
"The projectionist in the Chinese service today was a little slow with the transition of slides but she served in the role despite barely knowing how to use the computer. If only the congregation knew and affirmed her in her service role!"

3. a person who seems to be easily neglected when there are last minute changes to the flow of songs.
"The projectionist was caught off guard when the response song did not turn out to be the one that the team practised during worship practice. She is sad that was not informed of the change."

4. a person who very quickly comes into the limelight whenever there is an issue but seems more rarely affirmed when things are running smoothly.
"Everyone waited in anticipation as the projectionist made multiple attempts to play the video. It would be nice if the projectionist was given more time. It would also be nice that the soundman can be informed to get ready to play the sound in advance."

5. a person who receives immediate stares when a technical fault arises.
"The projectionist could sense the pressure from the stares she was receiving but she remained composed and tried to get the PowerPoint presentation to work."

6. a person who serves in close proximity (literally) with the soundman but may be absolutely clueless about what he or she does.
"The projectionist was flustered as the soundman left his post temporarily."

7. a person who is blessed to have the soundman next to him or her for company and immediate support.
"The soundman very graciously prompted the projectionist to first go forward to receive the Holy Communion. Later, the projectionist rushed back to her seat so that she can make it in time to click on the next slide."

8. a person who is blessed with a team of fellow projectionists who fully understand the challenges of the service role and readily lends a helping hand.
"The projection screen turned purple all of a sudden but a fellow projectionist appeared almost immediately to give technical support. He even tripped over a few cables so that he could render help to the then flustered projectionist. The projectionist was extremely touched by the kind gesture and remembers it till this day."

9. a person who generally has strong telepathy with the worship leader and predicts the next slide.
"The projectionist felt like she scored a goal when she clicked on the correct slide which was out of the original flow of songs."

10. a person who has less telepathy with a worship leader who is also on an instrument.
"The projectionist is very thankful that though the worship leader is on the guitar, he makes it a point to prompt the team with the lyrics of the song."

11. a person who needs to sit in front of the computer throughout the service.
"The projectionist really needed the toilet but she had to hold in her pee."

Other definitions:
12. a person who hopes to receive a set of scores too for reference.
"The projectionist wanted to check that the lyrics of the songs were correct."

13. a person who is happy to be checked upon during worship practise.
"Is everything ok? asked the worship leader. The projectionist was touched to be checked upon."

14. a person who wishes to see the worship leader's handsigns too.
"The projectionist stood up in an attempt to see the handsign of the worship leader. However, the worship leader was quite subtle about it."

15. a person who appreciates being briefed on the additional slides to be projected.
"Assuming that there could be additional files to be projected, the projectionist searched through the Desktop and looked at the tab which reads "Date modified". The projectionist opens the file just in case they need to be flashed later on."

16. a person who accidentally overlooks the clicking of the slides.
"It was a familiar song and the projectionist missed the cue to click on the next slide. Oops! She is so sorry!"

17. a person who prefers not to multitask.
"During the worship, the projectionist was informed of the file which she had to locate for the next part of the service. It was time to click on the next slide of the song. Phew! She clicked it on time."

18. a person who is likely to love keyboard hacks and takes pride in making minor changes to improve the presentation.
"The projectionist successfully darkened the font of the sermon slides subtly. She was very happy about it."

19. a person who is sometimes briefed by the speaker on when to click the slides.
"The projectionist is very thankful for speakers who provide the projectionist with their script so that she can be clear when she should click on the next slide."

20. a person who is elated to find songs which are in PowerPoint format in the songbank.
"The projectionist typed the lyrics of the new song, alternating the English and Chinese lyrics. It was tedious but it is beneficial for the next projectionist. It is such a great idea to have the songbank. Projectionists are appreciative of the person tirelessly maintaining it."


Hope you had fun reading as much as i had typing these.
I know..
Some things happen, inevitably.
The style of servants we work with differs too.
I also recognise that this list includes things which i still find hard to let go.

It has been a long journey.
And i am thankful for it.

I am sure the other servants will have lots to share in their other service roles too!
Let us all continue to give our best for the Lord :D

(oh man i need to get back to my work! >.<)

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