So there's this quote in school which I keep seeing about setting a goal for yourself in 1095 days.
Actually I do have one in mind!
Now.. will it even be possible?...
Hmmm... let's start the countdown!
So there's this quote in school which I keep seeing about setting a goal for yourself in 1095 days.
Actually I do have one in mind!
Now.. will it even be possible?...
Hmmm... let's start the countdown!
今天是星期六, 但我一大早就得去上课。。
上完课, 约了妈妈和阿妹去逛街。
我搭错了巴士所以意外地得知阿妹的学校其实离我的学校很近, 也多认了一些路。
没走几间店, 但却买到了一件超级划算的外套。
重点是。。妈妈也逛得开心,有战利品 :)
或许因为昨天交了又一个作业, 今天可以有一天闲着。。
噢! 到二姨家吃晚餐后我也弄好了下个学期要用的一些教材。
Finally it feels like some time for myself. Just one day but i am glad :)
Still not enough time for myself to spare if......
Anyway. Today is a happy day. Not just to add to the record that I don't only have emo posts..
But today is worth recording ;)
Thank you Lord! :)