Would have worked for 3 months in a week's time!
Problem is.. I don't really like how the system at the place.
Should I... continue?
Should I... not?
Let me try to put a few things in words:
1. I don't need to write lesson plans (which is a huge relief) but the lps i have been given so far is >50% not age appropriate. I left the previous place to learn better methodology in teaching children through hands on activities. I now have more worksheets to complete with the children than I ever had. Up to 3 per day for PG class. That's ridiculous! (I don't think I'm harsh in saying this at all.)
2. The human problem is quite bad. There's tension among colleagues, people badmouth one another. It's very bad, why can't we work tgt, help one another out? Must the lead tch and asst tch be differentiated so clearly? The "plotting" to get people to do things is so immense that even I, (I would think I can only pick things up when it gets very intense and I picked this up) can feel it.
3. The unspoken "levels" among teachers. Why are some staff given special permission to stay out of class and others have to cover for them without explanation? It's so unfair. And the things that the staff being called out is doing, are they really necessary? Is it really effective? Oh did I mention the arrowing of people to do things? The arrows are ridiculous.
4. Time management problem. Lps are emailed to the principal (by the curriculum head/dept) and printed out (even later) when it's time to conduct the lesson. Shouldn't things be prepared ahead? And the lesson materials/teaching aids (which in this case are just pictures to be laminated and cut) are always only accessible after the lessons have been conducted. What's the point? Messages to be pasted in the children's communication books are always only out during tea time (we actually check the comm books in the morning) and they must be pasted in the books by the end of the day. Who has time to do that? Most children (at least from my class) starts going back after tea!
5. The principal management skill is still developing. I don't feel being led by her. She says things in a round to "shoot" me. She doesnt listen to me because i know when i say things, she is already formulating her response/ rebuttal. She delegates her work to her "staff in charge for the month" as a form of empowerment. But, empowerment and shirking of responsibilities, it's really just a slim difference.
6. The staff team does not work as a team. It's sad, it's really sad. Things get stolen at the workplace (today I experienced my share), people take mc at the last minute, people change shift with others so as to benefit themselves (such as have a longer weekend), people complain about others to "in charge" but don't communicate among themselves.. and someone screamed for me (across the school) in a harsh voice when I have already supposedly knocked off- what attitude!
Wow I'm amazed at how well i managed to say these things so coherently. I said that I will say a few and it turned out to be so many (and still the list is not exhaustive).
People oh people, why are you so ugly?
Children oh children, why are you all always my only consideration but you bother me so much?
Dear God, what should I do? :(