Hello to whoever is reading this! :)
It has been a long while!
Let's catch up from where we last stopped previously~
9 Nov: So we celebrated Diwali in school and did henna for the children! I would say that it was quite a success! :)
10 Nov: YM Planning Retreat; an important day with an important lesson learnt on communication and love.
19 Nov: Tom yam together with Xin Hui over Skype! A first! ;)
4 Dec: Concert day; a thankful day. A day which God blessed me with far more than what I could have expected/ asked for. Got to remember this day! 12 out of 13 children came in the end! (with only 6 children at the start) And they did a superb job! All praise and thanks be to God!
Post concert: A period which I realized that I am actually really really particular about how words are said. This girl here... is a tough nut!

11-12 Dec: K2 overnight camp. The second batch of children who went through their preschool years with me. <3
15 Dec: The day of abrupt change. A terrible day that even the most nicely decorated class did not help in making me feel a sense of attachment to a classroom where I don't feel I belong.
16 Dec: Visiting Elsie at work with the best company! With ling inclusive! :D
20-22 Dec: Happy to Hang Together (YM Retreat). The most heart warming gathering of brothers and sisters in Christ :) I know I said something similar for BIP 2014. It's almost the same feeling once again; it's one of the best feeling :)
25 Dec: Christmas Day! Lots of love received through thoughtful gifts and notes :) The most creative present goes this coaster above! ;)
26-29 Dec: Penang with the angels :D
Transition to the new year was a super quick one..
17 Jan: Birthday surprise from the sweet and young ones and Birthday treat from thoughtful Shermin and the world's best crab feast prepared by my mum! <3
Read a love letter from this person the moment the clock struck 12!
18 Jan: Celebrated my birthday with the N2 and K1 darlings with a 3kg cake! Meet up with the full crew of NOI20A! WHOOHOO! Plus overwhelming birthday well wishes from dearest friends and relatives :)
22 Jan: Met up with an old friend who came with a pleasant surprise and.. bumping into Bernelle and Wicus! :D :D
This blessed person who doesn't feel 24 but just keeps ageing will be moving on to a new phase of her life from 27 January onwards! BACK TO SCHOOL~
See you all next time!