Sunday, 27 September 2015

update time!

hello everyone! actually i don't even know if there's anyone reading this.. anw, i shall be updating a lot since i haven't posted anything in >a month! :)

IT HAS BEEN TOUGH AT WORK, very very tough.
Of tirelessly holding on to the fort, of numerous things to liaise, of scheduling, of having weird "responsibilities" being added unto you (and not phrased as a favour for you to help with)... Of not feeling appreciated, of being helpless, of being exhausted..... MY VERDICT: GOD HAS BEEN REALLY GRACIOUS.

I kept believing my boss is going to return to SG at a certain date and it just keeps getting pushed back (even right before I typed this). I was even told that she would not be announcing her return to the parents because the centre should be function-able without her. I don't know where is the accountability, I don't know where is the ownership. I don't know how many times I have been frustrated, disappointed.. BUT I KNOW, I HAVE BEEN SUSTAINED THUS FAR BY SOMEONE POWERFUL.

Let me bring you through what has happened from end Aug till now :)

So, 29 Aug was a good day when we caught a movie together :) awesome company!

Spontaneous gathering are great! :)

Fast forward to 5 Sept- Ps Raymond's wedding in the morning <3

Followed by Xin Hui's surprise farewell in the afternoon with the ever awesome and most thoughful company once again~!
It was a really heart-warming gathering. We had awesome food, had the most nonsensical conversations, played the simplest games. But it was such a great feeling to have each other!

Thank you guys for affirming through the game that...
If I were a boss, you will like to work under me. (I can't tell you how much of an encouragement is this to me right now!)
If you want to buy something expensive (or something along this line), you would like to buy it for me. (thank you for pampering me in this season of my life <3)
If you would like to bring someone out for a nice and atas meal (or something like this sorry it has been a while), you will take me along with you. (way to sweet, guys! thank you!! really needed it!)

And then fast forward to the day Xin Hui flew to Leeds~

And she embarked on her vacation with God and finally reached her hostel safely by God's grace!

Then it was 19th Sept where we just gathered for badminton thoughtfully planned by Ling. It didnt have to be competitive or aggressive. All was done in love. And it was a lovely session :) 

And it was time to say goodbye to my 知己 at the workplace. Sending her off with best wishes but knowing that things are going to be so different and I'm gonna be quite alone.. (22 Sept)

23 Sept: MYLC Reunion! Many more people to full house but I'm thankful for the message that day that God desires to see us grow in love and He has given us each other to journey together in this faith :)

25 Sept: The HAZY day which MOE schools were closed but a little one reminded me about an important lesson on persevering and never giving up. Piece by piece, we'll fix things. And don't ever look down on yourself that you are young, you can accomplish much more than what you think you can!

26 Sept: Church mid autumn event followed by big children playing with fire together. HEHE.. Yet another awesome evening spent with awesome company :')
Not forgetting our intention to gather was also to surprise someone sweet :)

27 Sept: Today we celebrated our church's anniversary and we served as ushers together! :) Can't be more thankful for these girls who responded with willing and loving hearts despite the short notice. SO THANKFUL for them! :D

Tomorrow, as I return to the battle ground, may I go forth with the full amour of God and fight a good fight for Him!

"In every victory, let it be said of me,
My SOURCE of strength, my SOURCE of hope,
is CHRIST alone!"