Tuesday, 18 August 2015

be thankful

Today I'm thankful for comfort food :) thankful that mummy is working the morning shift this week and she can cook dinner for the family.

This period has been kind of crazy and I haven't had time to sit down to consolidate the things I'm going through. I thought I might just breakdown anytime but God has been so gracious to have arranged some long weekends for me to rest. In this period I've also procrastinated quite a bit for the to-do list is just too overwhelming and I've accumulated some work.

But God is really merciful, He has just given me another breather (again) and this time to clear my piled up work although I've new responsibilities in this hfmd cycle. Yes, it's hfmd! No superior around so I'm coordinating and liasing almost everything but there are less children coming in. So I can do some of my accumulated marking (though paperwork & admin is crazy for hfmd) cause less children!

Do not limit God's work. God is the soveriegn One who decides which children are coming in today/ leaving earlier/ going holiday/ not coming/ kept home due to hfmd outbreak/ etc. He knows my thoughts and emotions which I cannot verbalise.

I'm not saying that hfmd is good. It's definitely not and I pray that the affected children get well soon. But I've been reminded that whatever happens are in the hands of the One above, not me. I can't explain it properly but I'm sure you who are reading this can understand, right?

Actually.. today while I was working on all the things that I have to do.. someone who added the work upon me dropped a msg to say "actually this is very good exposure for you." I really don't understand how can this person say it or what is going through her mind when she said it.. but today I wanna choose to be thankful. Because of the lesser number of children, I can clear some piled up work. Because I can go home to comfort food prepared with love. Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because of Him I can face the "political" complications happening cause I'm not in this alone but together with Him.

Would anyone also pray with me if it's time for me to study next year? Just went unisim open house last sat. Went for the talk on course: Bachelor of Early Childhood Education with minor in something (there are a few to choose from I'll elaborate later). It's the only local ece degree! I'm looking at the part time course (yes, again). It's highly subsided by the govt for Singaporeans for up to 55% which makes it affordable and it is like the perfect match to what I want.

but... qn is: is it what God wants for me in this season of my life?

the minors (if you would like to continue hearing the story you can read on) are also so so appealing!! I can choose to minor in...

Management- something that will help me to progress towards opening up my own centre! And just minoring in this means that I still pursue early childhood studies and not just the leadership aspect of being in this line! (And that's why I didn't study early childhood leadership course like some of my friends did this year)

Psychology- something that I've been so keen to take but my results then wasn't good enough for me to enter the course.. now does this mean I can pursue my interest and further study in my field of work?

Chinese language- this is almost exactly compatible to my work now (since I'm in charge of the chinese curriculum) and it will make be a more effectively billingual teacher! But THE POINT IS of the modules I have to take, there are mods on translation!! English to Chinese and Chinese to English translation!! Which means this is going to aid my service in church to the One above!

amazing isn't it. The options that I have.. there are more, minors which I don't qualify to apply or sociology which I'm quite sure I won't choose.. these combinations itself already once again give me a glimpse to how perfect God's plan is. But I don't know what would God like for me. Not my will, but Yours, Lord. Would you join me in prayer?

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